I Flat Ironed My Natural Roots: The Good and the Bad

July 13, 2015

Hey Ladies!

I know it has been a very long time since I have made a post. Things have been really busy this summer but now that I have a little free time I decided to make this post!

I am currently 9 months post relaxer and I am considering going natural. My graduation was last month and I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with my hair. I wasn't sure if I wanted to braid my hair, wear my wig or just do something with my own hair. I decided that I wanted to try flat ironing my natural roots since it had been 9 months since I last flat ironed my hair. This was a very risky decision because I had no idea how it would turn out. Sometimes when flat ironed, natural hair looks a bit poofy if the right tools or products are not used.

I decided that I would try to make the best of what I had so I flat ironed my hair and pinned it up.

The Good:

My hair got straight and I was able to pin it up and my hair became more manageable.

The Bad (perhaps even terrible):

I noticed I have a lot of split ends all the way up my hair shaft. Im not sure if they were there before I flat ironed my hair. But I definitely noticed them after I flat ironed my hair. So I'm basically back to square one of my healthy hair journey. Seeing all the split ends was definitely heartbreaking.

Final Thoughts

I'm really unsure about what to do with my hair. Currently it is braided but when I take it out I am going to go to the hairdresser to get a protein treatment and a trim (maybe a cut) and take it from there. 

Here are some pictures:

Thank you for reading my post!

Do you have any suggestions for flat ironing natural hair?

- Sarah

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