Move over EcoStlyer. Hello Shine 'n Jam?

March 16, 2015

Hi Ladies,

I'm sorry that I haven't posted in a while but school has been keeping me very busy.  I had a little break this weekend and I decided to rebraid my hair. I came home for the weekend I didn't think to bring my ecostyler with me. So I went to the beauty supply store and I didn't want to buy another tub of ecostyler since I already have one. I was looking for something cheap and that smelled good and stumbled upon Shine 'n Jam.

It was cheap, smelled really fresh and had a good hold without me having to tie my hair down. Usually when I use ecostyler, tying my hair down is a must. To see my ecostyler results click here. After I started using Shine 'n Jam, I realized that my hair really liked it. My hair felt soft and the hold was simply amazing and this product was "regular hold." It also didn't flake.

I read the back of the container and found out that the product was free of alcohol, parabens, wax, petroleum, and silicones. Basically, it doesn't have a lot of the bad stuff hair products usually have. Also, a little of this product goes a long way. Overall, all I really like it so far.

Front of the container

Inside the container

Back of the container

(Click this picture to make it a bit bigger)

Have you ever used this gel before? What is your experience with it?

Thank you for reading!

- Sarah

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