My Hair Journey So Far

June 01, 2014

Hello Loves!

I decided to create a post with a few pictures to highlight my relaxed/texturized hair journey so far. I included dates and put each picture in a timeline with a brief caption under each picture. 

So what really is a hair journey? A hair journey is a lifestyle change. It is a very big decision to start a hair journey and staying committed to it is A LOT of work, but it is really fun! When I started my hair journey, I did a lot of research to suit my needs and then documented my progress by taking pictures and testing the health of my hair. Basically a hair journey is a commitment to put caring for your hair towards the top of your list of priorities.

I can definitely go into more detail about starting a hair journey in another post!

Here is my healthy hair journey so far.

I think both pictures above highlight the prime of hair. It was healthy, shiny and barely broke off. At that time I rarely washed my hair myself, if ever, the hair dresser would just do everything. I would get my hair relaxed every 6 weeks and get it washed probably every 2 weeks. Shortly after the second picture was taken, I got my hair braided and had to cut my hair after I took the braids out.


The picture above was a year after I had to cut my hair. My hair was starting to get a bit thin, but not too much and I was able to keep my ends from breaking off excessively.

Lol at the scarf I was wearing. I had to wear it so don't judge! In this picture you can see my ends are a bit thin but at that time it didn't really bother me because I didn't know better and I wasn't paying much attention to the health of my hair.

In the pictures above, I was in my first year of university and decided that I wanted a change. I decided to dye it a reddish colour and I figured that my hair might break, so I got my hair cut. I figured I would change up my look and prevent further breakage at the same time. Dying my hair myself was definitely not a good idea and my hair started to get very dry and broke a lot. I didn't really know how to take care of my hair myself so it just continued to break and break.

I took the picture above when I took braids out of my hair (the second time braiding my hair). When you look at my ends you can see a light brown colour from when I dyed my hair. I was so happy that I was getting rid of the dyed hair. It's a little hard to tell, but my hair is still relaxed at this point.

During the summer of 2013, I started to learn more about how to care my hair and got really obsessed with watching youtube videos. That's where I learned about the "twist out". This was my first attempt and I was pleased with the results. Starting September 2013, I decided to go on a no heat challenge and started wearing twist outs more often, while stretching my relaxers.

To help me stretch my relaxer I decided to get my hair braided again. The picture at the top is what my hair looked like after I took the braids out. The picture to the bottom is what my hair looked like after I relaxed it and got a trim. I didn't realize until month after this picture was taken that my hair dresser texturized/ texlaxed my hair. I liked the look of my roots so I continued to texturize/ texlax my hair.  

This is what my hair looks like now. I mainly wear twist outs and style the twist out in different ways for the week. Each time I do a twist out it looks a bit different but I find twist outs so easy to maintain during the week.

That's about it for my hair journey so far. Thank you for reading!

Do you have any tips for transitioning from relaxed to texturized/ texlaxed hair? I would love to hear them!

- Sarah

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