Update & What's New

March 31, 2018

Hello Loves!

Thank you for reading my blog! I have been missing in action for quite some time due to different changes that have been happening in my life. I graduated university and started working at an accounting firm and I have to say that my free time has been very limited. However, I think that I am over due for a blog post because there have been so many changes!

My biggest hair change is that I decided to go natural! At the time I started this blog, I knew I wanted to stretch my relaxers and use less heat, but I did not know that I actually wanted to go natural. At that time, going natural seemed very scary. I had my first relaxer when I was 11 years old and my last relaxer at 21 years old. So going natural was very new and I had a lot to learn. I will get into the details in another post but I'll just show you some updates to my hair below.

Let me know what you think!


Hair with no products
Tried Henna

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