Cute & Easy Protective Style: The Bun Life

December 16, 2014

Hello Ladies!

With the official start of winter fast approaching, protective styles are must. They ensure that your hair doesn't dry out due to change in climate. They also ensure that you don't get unnecessary breakage, like getting your hair caught in your favourite cotton scarf.

Conveniently, I have recently regained my love for buns. Before last week, I hadn't worn a bun for maybe 7 years (yeah, I know an extremely long time). I think my problem was that, to me, my hair was always too thin to put in a bun. There would always be those awkward spaces and sometimes I couldn't get my hair smooth enough for my liking. But I decided to try bunning my hair again and I love it!

These days I do messy buns. I wash my hair and when it is around 70% percent air dried, I put my hair up in a bun, allowing the ends of my hair to be textured. For me, this eliminates those awkward spaces. I also love to accessorize with headbands. I need to be more careful with my headband choices because the cotton ones that I love always break my hair. Because of this, I often try to wear my satin scarf as a headband (I don't think the material is actually satin, but I'm not sure what it is. A picture of it is below). These types of scarfs look cute, conceal new growth, keep my edges laid, and don't break my hair!

Here are some pictures and in these pictures I am about 2 months post relaxer:

Do you live the bun life? What other protective styles do you use?

Thanks for reading!

- Sarah

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